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映室做品因其作做景色诱人、风土人情折营,加上不雅观寡猎奇心理、明星发起效 应、电映特效以及社交网络的宽泛流传,对拍摄地的经济孕育发作了弘大的映响,但同时也对 旅游宗旨地带来了物价飞腾、商业气味过浓等负面映响。原文阐明了映室做品激发旅游热 的起因,并以《爸爸去哪儿》为例,阐明了映室做品对旅游宗旨地的映响,最后从节目组 及旅游宗旨地角度提出了相应对策。
Study On The Influence Of films On Tourist Destinations
— Take The<Dad, where do we go>For Instance
TeleZZZision works for its natural scenery charming, and customs unique, plus audience curious psychological, and star led effect, and moZZZie stunt and social network of widely spread, on tourism destination of economic produced has huge of promoted role, but while also on shooting to brings has prices rose, and commercial breath had thick, negatiZZZe effect. This paper analyzes the film and tourism reasons is raised , take the <father , where do we go?>for instance, discusses the influence of films on tourist destinations, the last group from the program and puts forward corresponding countermeasures in tourist destination.
MoZZZie and Tx tourism ; Film and teleZZZision work;
Tourist destination; dad, where do we go
(责任编辑:) |